The role of women in the armed forces, from a long time was limited to the medical profession i.e. doctors and nurses. In 1992, the doors were made open for women entrance as regular officers in aviation, logistics, law, engineering and executive cadres. Thousands of enthusiastic young women applied against commercials and it was a turning point in the history of time. These women chose a new field where they had to barely pave a path for the others to follow.
The initial modifications problems weren’t as much for the women as it was for the men. Encased in their tradition of chivalry and dignity to women, most gentlemen officers could not treat their female counterparts at par with themselves. Their subordinates too, were men who came from traditional families where they saw women playing only conserved roles. The evolution of these women into totally male dominated stronghold did initially create embarrassing moments for both. Men hushed their talks and behaved affably, while women had to do with makeshift arrangements to suit their needs within units. Over the years and having come a long way now, men have realized that these women in uniform are their adequate and able co-workers. The time is not far when we may use the term ‘sisters-in-arms’ as corresponding to ‘brothers-in-arms’.
Currently, women in the non-medical cadre, serve as Short Service Commissioned (SSC) officers. Under this type of authorisation, they can distribute in the armed forces for a period ranging from 5-14 years. On release they can pursue a career in the civil sector. SSC officers are released with fringe benefit and can avail some benefits as ex-serviceperson, but they do not get pension. Women in the medical branch i.e. doctors and nurses can provide as Permanent Commissioned (PC) officers and are eligible for pension after retirement. They also have the opportunity to serve as Short Service Commissioned officers.(Defense Forces of India)
Eligible women, who qualify different tests successfully, serve as Short Service Commissioned officers in the following branches of the Armed Forces.
ARMY: EME, Signals, Engineers, Army Education Corps, Army Ordnance Corps, Army Service Corps, Intelligence and Judge Advocate General’s branch.
NAVY: All branches of the Navy (except submariners and divers).
AIR FORCE: Flying (transport aircraft and helicopters), Technical and Administration branches.
COAST GUARD: All branches of the Coast Guard.